Thursday, February 7, 2013

Memory Lane - Is It Already 5 Years?

It is February 7th 2013. Today, 5 years ago, I arrived at Maharishi University of Management as a master student in ComPro program. Two days ago, the same year, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the consciousness based education university himself, died. How time flies.

I recall that it was late night of Thursday too. The next day, Friday, I first time met the two Indonesian super fast coders - Murzal and Julian - when I was walking in the snow looking for the Argiro Student Center for breakfast. We were looking for a place to perform Friday prayer too. I wonder where they are now. Too bad I have lost all those memorable pictures.

Realizing how time makes fools of us all, I remember another quote from the same website (

Not only that this quote is good for students, it is also good for me who wishes to pursue the quest for Andalusia@West. May Allah swt layout me a way.


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