Thursday, July 4, 2024


[Awesome Lonesome: A Traveling Journal of A Loner]

Yesterday, 3rd of July, 2023, was my last clock out from NDUM as an academic (not academician) after more than 14 years of service. The next chapter of my life awaits.

So today, 4th of July is my Merdeka Day. It wasn’t planned, but it truly coincides with US’s Independence Day. So today, me and US citizens are not working.

But I still have to go back a few times to my office in NDUM to finish up many many things. The exam just started, so it is a miracle if any academics can finish up any backlog at this point of time.

Many would ask why retire so young? (Am I young?) The answer is I would like to start doing what I love to do but couldn’t because I was busy working as an academic. That would be my no. 1 reason, reasons no. 2, 3, etc, we can discuss over a cup of tea. I cannot wait until the real retirement as whatever I want to do might obsolete as I retire. So this is a calculated early retirement, or as JPA’s term, they call it opted retirement.

Immediately after retirement I would like to finish my PhD until end of the year while in parallel started whatever lightweight things I want to do and earn something with it.

p.s.: I’ll still drop by to Sg. Besi for good food over there sometimes, and of course will be coming for my favorite Jogja Ayam Gepuk.

🤛 Life starts at retirement. 🤜
🤛 Before retirement, 🤜
🤛 it is called a living. 🤜

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Deception of Antivaccine

[Knowledge Wins It All]

[Malay translation]

In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic we are hearing the ugly and annoying voices of anti-vaccine movement trying to fool people into believing their propaganda. These movement has long been motioned by these people. This ideology does not come alone. It would be coming together with flat Earth teaching, anti-moon-landing propaganda and the like. Stupidity doesn’t come as one. Once you are stupid, forever stupid.

In this writing I would like to group 3 of their propaganda videos that have been viral around the social media. They are claiming that vaccination injects microchip into the hands of the takers. They prove it by putting magnet at the place of the injection and showed that the magnet pulls the microchip and stick at that arm area.

As a person who graduated as computer engineer I know that this is total BULLSHIT. These are my arguments:
  1. First, do they even know what microchip is? Microchip is made of what? Silicone. What is silicone? It is just sand and its wafer form is sometimes called glass wafer because silicone in that form is actually glass. Now, do sand and glass attract magnet?
  2. Second, there is metal used in microchip fabrication, but hardly any ferromagnetic metal that attracts magnet. The metal used directly on the wafer to complete the circuits of the transistors is mainly aluminum – not ferromagnetic. The only ferromagnetic metal used could be nickel that might be used as the wire connectors from the microchip to the outside world. And this is rare as copper is more common. So how is the magnet going to pull this?
  3. Last but not least, there is no such thing as liquid microchip. At least not yet. Technology has already created organic semiconductor, but no, not yet the liquid microchip. Even liquid crystal can only work with power. Where the power comes from in human body? And, yes, liquid crystal is also not ferromagnetic.
And I have completed my 2 doses, and I don't see any magnet attracted to my shoulder. 🤣🤣🤣

Judging from the level of lie they are willing to tell shows how desprate they are. I don’t want to waste my time investigating what kind of magic trick they use to make those videos, but my suspicion seems to be true in at least in the second video. They glued the shoulder at the area where the vaccine is injected with iron foil or iron paper then painted it with color similar to the skin. You can see it in the following snaps:

At certain angle you can almost see the edges of the iron patch they put on the shoulder. The next snap highlights it.

The edge of the painted patch is highlighted.

The part that is not sticking is outside of the patch.

🤪 Stupidity 🤪
🤪 Repeats Itself 🤪

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I'm Introvert in Lockdown

[Awesome Lonesome]

* Image from

I'm an introvert - a big one - and pround of it. As a super hyper introvert, lockdown or movement control order (MCO) is like a blessing. Staying at home and doing work from home is something that I have been doing for so long as I have educator's privillege.

As introverts, what is in our mind is basically our decision. Our point of standing is little influenced ny other people. WE ARE WE.

Many extroverts (normal people?) are cracking under this lockdown as they need to see other people as part of their life - and get the mainstream ideas to believe in.

Boredome comes quickly to then. But for me, not only that I'm introvert, I'm also a programmer and multimedia producer. If I get bored, I do programming. Yes, I actually put programming as my hobby in my resume.

As if lockdown is not enough, in few days, it is Ramadhan 2020 and of course Aidil Fitri in a month time. It is like a disaster for most extroverts. No bazar Ramadhan, and no raya. Even though MCO might be ended by Aidil Fitri, but the Aidil Fitri solat and visitings might still be restricted as we are just finished MCO, and if social distancing is - all of a sudden - being ignored completely, coronavirus might re-appear and we may have to go through another lockdown.

But me? No, I'm okay with it. I have had Raya in KL twice and in US also twice - almost completely alone. So lockdown is nothing for me. I'll survive. Ø¥ِÙ†ْ Ø´َاءَ ٱللَّٰÙ‡ُ

🤷 I'll Survive 🤷
👑    Coronavirus    👑